So cold, so dim and dreary.
Darkness stretched on, and she wondered why.
Why couldn't love be easy?
She peered behind her withered frame,
A past so bleak, so lonely.

At a future mysterious, yet empty.
Standing on the line of endless peril,
A tightrope that threatened to snap.
She wondered if walking forward awhile
Would be easier than turning back.
So she looked to the sky,
Watched the clouds drifting by,
Closed her eyes as the rays broke the night.
Orange rays of pure sunlight,
Shone upon her, so bright,
A rare taste of God's love and delight.
And though her past beat upon her like sticks,
Bruising her limbs and her heart;
She felt she could cope and get through in the end,
And be thankful that God did His part.
So she took a step forward on that tightrope of hers,
Praying to God for escape.
She continued on her journey, no longer alone,
Knowing He carried her fate.
Years down the road, she remembered that day,
Where she stood on the corner of death,
And though she wavered in fear, and hope disappeared,
Now she could say she was blessed.