Wednesday, January 2, 2013


He was not old, but his hands had done so much. They had carried much and given much. They were worn and strong.

“Give me your hand.” She said.
She held it to keep it warm,
She lightly touched the scars, swollen and red.
She was holding a hand that had weathered many a storm.
In it she saw the pain, the sadness.
She saw grief to break a mother’s heart.
Wars that would fell the best of warriors,
Death, she saw so much death.

“Why did you choose this?
Why this path, when there were others?
Why… death?” a silent tear rolled down her wind burned cheek.

“Child” said He “I chose not for me. 
I chose for you. I would not, could not, allow death to steal you from me.”
His hands closed around hers, warming the parched fingers.

“A price had to be paid,
Justice to be carried out;
In order that you need not be afraid,
That’s what love is all about.”

She traced the scar on his wrist, “Did you feel the pain?”

“Yes child.”

“Did you cry?”

“Yes.” He wiped the tears that streamed down her face.

“I don’t know what to say, I don’t know how to repay.” She trembled under his touch.

“My love, give me your eyes, so that you might see the truth.
Give me your mouth, so that you might speak faith.
Give me your heart, so that you might know love.  
Give me your hands, so that you might nourish the broken.
Give me your feet, so that you might change the world.
That is all I ask, for you to be thankful is enough.”

She held both hands now, she held both and understood.
She saw now the joy and kindness.
The love that overflowed, the peace,
She saw now the good.

His hands had gone from carpentry to a cross.
In the time in between they had changed the world.
They had healed the blind and sick, they had calmed the chaos.
They had delivered justice and admonished the wicked, 
They were the hands of a servant, a workman, a friend, a warrior, a father, a prince...
The hands that had done so much were now holding hers.

She stood in awe, “I believe and give thanks; death has been swallowed up in victory.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

They turned, and with a purpose, walked hand in hand towards home.

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