Monday, August 26, 2013

Joy Unspeakable, Full of Glory.

I'm amazed. Flabbergasted. Continually in shock over the goodness of God.

Daily I forget his promises, disobey him, struggle with the ugly weed of discontentment that threatens to weave itself through my very core.

My life is overrun with the mess that comes from a fallen man and my own stumblings.

I struggle to pull myself out of the pit dug with these ten small fingers but the mud is slippery and I fall a little farther back each time. Tears of self pity don't help, they just make the walls harder to grasp. I'm so caught up in the struggle to pull myself up on my own I don't see the Rope hanging inches away from my fingertips waiting to be grasped.

Woven strands of grace and forgiveness lighting up the darkness around me.

This beautiful lifeline, my only key to escape.

How did it even get there? Did I think beyond myself for more than a momentary second to even call out? I highly doubt it.

I'm so focused on each pointless, backsliding step that I never looked up in time to see my gracious, twinkling God drop salvation through his powerful fingers and grasp tight to the end, ready to hold all of my weight.

 "The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance." 

He pulls me up and I can see the sunset. The glimpse of a greater glory, waiting just behind the clouds.

And I thank him.

I ask forgiveness for the pit I've dug. And the one I'll dig deeper tomorrow. The one dug with different mistakes and new sins.

I ask this laughing God to open my eyes to his blessings that surround me each moment of each beautiful day. And I delight in his goodness, in his grace on me so undeserving.

For this small moment I can see the greater glory of his plan, but then the clouds move back in and I am left to delight only in the beauty of his word.

 "Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption. You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Summer Prompt

Hello Ladies,

I'm sure that your summers have been exciting and beautiful.

To finish off the summer lets write a thank you.

Tell us about your summer in the form of a thank you note :)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

10 things.

I know a lot of things to be true, for instance I know that seven years olds love to step on ants and ladybugs. I know that rainstorms are incredible and awe inspiring and scary. I know that in the spring, flowers bloom, and in the summer, the pool feels nice. Most of all, I know that I am a sinner in need of a savior, a savior who has already forgiven me. And because of that I know that I have nothing to be afraid of.

Here are ten important things I know to be true…
1- That I breathe in and I breathe out and sometimes my breath is taken away by exciting, crazy things but it is always returned to me. Faster.
2- That my feet refuse to stop dancing, even when I’m sitting still they tap and twist and point, dancing to the tune in my head. Hush.

3- That love will always exsist, even if we don’t feel it (or think we don’t) Even in the dark, cold spaces of this world. Even through all of time someone, somewhere, is loving. Yes.
4- That the devil can’t take away my purpose, he can dangwell try but he will never succeed because my joy is found in God. Trust.
5- That gluten make me feel crappy, I can’t stop eating it. I try. Stupid.
6- That the sun will rise and the sun will set. That the waves go out and the waves come in. But HIS love is unwavering. Believe.
7- That I will fall in love, every day. Always someone new, maybe you. My heart needs to let me be. Okay.
8- That books will always be my constant companion. No Joke. Perfect.
9- That if you just sat still and listened. The world would become so much more than what you know now. Try.
10- and finally? I know that no matter what happens in this life, good or bad, there is so much more to your story. You’re just a baby right now, figuring things out. So don’t worry, because you are special and no one else can be as wonderful as you are. Be.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Lovelies, so sorry to not get this out sooner!

This months assignment is to write a list of ten things you know to be true. Inspired by Sarah Kay.


<3 Me

Sunday, March 3, 2013


This month's theme is laughter.

Write a story or poem that sums up the theme. :)

Monday, February 25, 2013

An Epilogue.

So, you've come the end of her story. I know it ended abruptly. What happened next?
Well, as you've already found out she lived a very interesting life. Being a middle child she escaped the scrutiny that the oldest children received and the spoiling that the youngest children were subjected to. She had more then a few scrapes. Knocked out a few teeth, rode her bike a little too fast.

I wonder if you caught it...did you notice that when she was deathly afraid of something she forced herself to do it? That is why, if you were to go swimming with her out in the ocean she went a little bit further than everyone else and a little bit deeper. It scared her. It thrilled her.

But I assume that if you're reading this than you've already read the rest of the book. Her book.

Now its my turn to tell you about her.

I loved the way she always had time for the little children. She loved them whole heatedly and adored to make them laugh.
I loved the way you could pick her out in a crowd because of the outrageous color combinations or styles she was wearing.
I would always get lost in her huge eyes that she could make bigger when she was excited about something.
I loved how she would be willing to argue about anything, no matter how pointless, just because she could.
I loved how she danced, everywhere, anytime, to any music. That was her specialty, dancing. It made her happy.
She was definitely an extrovert, in a category all her own. Taking talking and laughing and socializing to new extremes. People made her happy.
She drank tea and ate chocolate and read in coffee shops.
She sewed and cooked and wrote.
She was different, ditsy and silly. Emotional and melancholy. Exciting and knowledgeable on random subjects.
She loved to take pictures, she said capturing pictures was capturing time. So we will never forget our favorite people, our favorite places, our favorite moments.

And She Loved.
She loved her girlfriends, calling them something new every time, trying to express through the "sugar, sweetie, dear heart..." how much she respected them and loved them.
She loved her God, relishing Psalm 139. She called it his love poem to the world.

She even loved me, I know this because she left.
Our time together wasn't about the adventure for her, and she left because she knew that the longer we stayed together the harder it would become to say goodbye, and goodbye was inevitable. 

After her nineteenth year things went a little bit fuzzy. No one is entirely certain what happened to her. Maybe she did travel the world with her girlfriends like she wanted to. Maybe she did become a professional photographer. I hope she got married and had dozens of children and lived happily ever after. Maybe.

All I know is that I love her, I miss her and I will always call her mine, she was the Girl Who Danced.
My HannahJane.

-The Doctor.

Friday, February 1, 2013


February is here! Of course I chose something to do with love :P

Find a romantic place to sit, outdoors, a coffee shop, in a tree, and tell us a little bit about yourself. It must be written from the perspective of one who is madly in love with you, i.e. a stalker, a puppy, those kids to whom you give chocolate...

Have fun!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013


With hands outreached, she looked to the sky, 
So cold, so dim and dreary. 
Darkness stretched on, and she wondered why. 
Why couldn't love be easy? 

She peered behind her withered frame, 
A past so bleak, so lonely. 
And then she turned to stare again 
At a future mysterious, yet empty. 

Standing on the line of endless peril, 
A tightrope that threatened to snap. 
She wondered if walking forward awhile 
Would be easier than turning back. 

So she looked to the sky, 
Watched the clouds drifting by, 
Closed her eyes as the rays broke the night. 

Orange rays of pure sunlight, 
Shone upon her, so bright, 
A rare taste of God's love and delight.

And though her past beat upon her like sticks, 
Bruising her limbs and her heart; 
She felt she could cope and get through in the end, 
And be thankful that God did His part. 

So she took a step forward on that tightrope of hers, 
Praying to God for escape. 
She continued on her journey, no longer alone, 
Knowing He carried her fate. 

Years down the road, she remembered that day, 
Where she stood on the corner of death, 
And though she wavered in fear, and hope disappeared, 
Now she could say she was blessed.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Save Me.

A haiku.

I have been smitten
With a Doctor from a box
Timelords in my brain.

I detest myself.
"Me? A Whovian? Never!"
I mocked the fandom.

I have given in.
The Doctor and Rose shall be
Ever in my mind.

I am forever
Wishing for a police box
To drop from the sky.

My mind is consumed
Save me from this addiction
Give me something new.

P.S. I have come to the conclusion that Whovians suffer the most of any other fandom.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


He was not old, but his hands had done so much. They had carried much and given much. They were worn and strong.

“Give me your hand.” She said.
She held it to keep it warm,
She lightly touched the scars, swollen and red.
She was holding a hand that had weathered many a storm.
In it she saw the pain, the sadness.
She saw grief to break a mother’s heart.
Wars that would fell the best of warriors,
Death, she saw so much death.

“Why did you choose this?
Why this path, when there were others?
Why… death?” a silent tear rolled down her wind burned cheek.

“Child” said He “I chose not for me. 
I chose for you. I would not, could not, allow death to steal you from me.”
His hands closed around hers, warming the parched fingers.

“A price had to be paid,
Justice to be carried out;
In order that you need not be afraid,
That’s what love is all about.”

She traced the scar on his wrist, “Did you feel the pain?”

“Yes child.”

“Did you cry?”

“Yes.” He wiped the tears that streamed down her face.

“I don’t know what to say, I don’t know how to repay.” She trembled under his touch.

“My love, give me your eyes, so that you might see the truth.
Give me your mouth, so that you might speak faith.
Give me your heart, so that you might know love.  
Give me your hands, so that you might nourish the broken.
Give me your feet, so that you might change the world.
That is all I ask, for you to be thankful is enough.”

She held both hands now, she held both and understood.
She saw now the joy and kindness.
The love that overflowed, the peace,
She saw now the good.

His hands had gone from carpentry to a cross.
In the time in between they had changed the world.
They had healed the blind and sick, they had calmed the chaos.
They had delivered justice and admonished the wicked, 
They were the hands of a servant, a workman, a friend, a warrior, a father, a prince...
The hands that had done so much were now holding hers.

She stood in awe, “I believe and give thanks; death has been swallowed up in victory.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

They turned, and with a purpose, walked hand in hand towards home.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Alright, I know December was ridiculously busy for us all (if yours wasn't you can have my life.)
I would encourage you to try to complete the assignment though :)

This months is a little bit easier.

A poem.
Key words, thankful and blessed.
Don't wig yourself out, poems don't have to rhyme. 

Happy New Year to you, my lovely's.

Cinserially yours,

                                                                 Photo's to inspire...